Melissa Spirit Star Astrology (melissa_spiritstarastrology)

Full Moon in Scorpio – Shadowlands 27th April 2021 11.31 am Kuala Lumpur, 13.31 Sydney, 23.31 EST

Deep Yin

The realm of the Moon is a deep night time Yin. The day time Yang, the expressive force of the Sun gives way to rest, stillness and the language of the soul – feelings and emotions, when we come to the Moon.

At the Full Moon, the face of the Moon is completely lit up by the Sun. What is hidden becomes apparent, and we feel the full force of the magnetic polarities as they stand opposite one another.


Trekking through this part of the Zodiac, in the sign of Scorpio, is uncomfortable for the Moon. The penetrative, deep dark waters of Scorpio is anathema to the Moon’s drive to find emotional and physical safety and nourishment.

Still, this placement of the Moon works to reveal and uncover the depths of discomfort within our psyches, making us confront and face these shadows, so that we may release and transmute them at this Full Moon. This is a dance with the dark, a journey through the shadow lands to find and uncover our alchemical gold.

Breaking new ground

What we find arising from these emotional grounds may shake our reality. This is one in a series of many such moments we have encountered, and will continue to encounter this year with the continuing Uranus-Saturn square. (Feb 17, June 14 and Dec 24)

We are collectively shifting towards taking more responsibility in the world, in our own lives and with each other. As we come together to band together against violence, racism or to offer support and solutions in community, as Saturn in Aquarius speaks to, we also find our values being challenged. The urgency to change may come in the form of unexpected revelations, feelings or circumstances. At this time our emotional lives may feel on the line, especially for people with many planets in Fixed Signs. (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

This discomfort is a catalyst for us to break new ground together. This is some tense Astrology, let us be kind to ourselves and each other as we navigate the deep waters of Scorpio. It is the container and kindness of community and our peers that can ultimately reflect to us our true potential. This is taught by Ubutu, ‘I am because we are’. May we all find the courage and support to plumb our depths and transform our lead into gold.

over 3 years ago