Melissa Spirit Star Astrology (melissa_spiritstarastrology)

Full Moon in Libra – Coax Co-operation 31st March 2018, 8:36 pm Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Through the passage and sometimes chaos of life, Venus ruled Libra, represented in the Zodiac by the emblem of the scales, strives to be the epitome of balance. The gifts bestowed by Libra are social grace, diplomacy, and a natural inclination and flair for beauty. Deep mastery of the Libra archetype is the realization of peace through equanimity. These qualities will help us navigate the rather tumultuous waters of this Libran Full Moon, with a tense T-square aspect in full force.

Libra is the sign of partnership. Libra works to negotiate and tilt the axis towards an all important sense of fairness and balance that is necessary for a healthy relationship. Where Libra thinks and acts in terms of ‘we’, Aries, Libra’s counterpoint, is the fiery Ram who proclaims, ‘I am’. In Aries, we realize the pure seed form of the self, and take action on behalf of the self’s impulses. In every polar opposite lies what each needs to learn and integrate for wholess. Oppositions naturally bring about tension through contrast.

Full Moons are times of high tension and contrast. What is hidden is illuminated. We see how far we have come and where we need to go. We see the ripened results of seeds and intentions previously sown. This Full Moon in Libra shines a light in the shadowy areas of our relationships. We may bounce back and forth between what I want, and what ‘we’ want, and we will have to negotiate some pretty rocky territory as Mars and Saturn in Capricorn throw a wrench in the works.

Saturn sits poised, emanating seriousness, holding up his cards. He’s got a black and white reality checks in store, a foundational inspection, with some stop signs scattered in there for good measure. Mars is crouching next to and answering to his current boss Saturn, sparking friction through a Square aspect to the Libran Moon.

This is tense and we may feel stretched in our diplomatic and co-operative limits. There may be passive aggressive encounters with authorities, frayed nerves and tension around the subject of being overburdened, distribution of duties and responsibilities in partnership, the need to renegotiate contracts, boundaries and agreements in relationships and an all round review. Squares compel us to act through mounting pressure.

All this too shall pass. We can become aware of what is being brought up, and resolve to cultivate a greater capacity for equanimity. Some of what is being stirred up will allows us to work through cracks and blind spots in our relationships. This is a crucial step and entry point into working through the wounds of the self, and in relation to others once our wounded healer asteroid Chiron moves into the sign of Aries.

On a happier note, the ruler of this Full Moon is Venus in Taurus at 0 zero degrees. In Taurus, she return homes. Here she luxuriate in simple, grounded and lush pleasures. This is a cue for us to remember simplicity, and to return to our bodies during times of stress. Grounding, connecting to nature, eating delicious, nutritious food and celebrating what brings us affection and pleasure in our lives and relationships are ways to celebrate this Full Moon, and the opportunities that it brings.

Wishing everyone a blessed Full Moon in Libra.

over 6 years ago