AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

The cow transforms grass and gruel into sweet strength-giving milk and gives it away in plenty to its master. Develop that quality, that power to transform the food you consume into sweet thoughts, words and deeds of compassion for all. When your heart is filled with virtues, the Lord will shower His Grace abundantly. Draupadi earned the Lord’s Grace through her devotion and virtues. Without steadfastness and depth of faith, none can receive Grace. Endeavour to earn Grace by observing the discipline that I am keen you should follow. Give up your old worldly ways of earning and spending, saving and accumulating with greed, lust, malice and pride. Do not waste time in idle gossip. Talk softly and sweetly, and talk as little as possible. Serve all as brothers and sisters adoring the Lord in them. Engage in sadhana; move every step as befits a person striving to realise God.

over 6 years ago