AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

If the development of the moral and spiritual resources is neglected, remember, you are choosing to ignore the provision of peace and happiness. Happiness and peace do not automatically follow when a person is fed well, clothed well, housed well and even educated to a high standard and employed under comfortable conditions with no injury to health or security. There are millions who have these in plenty and are yet worried in pain or are highly discontented. Happiness and peace depend on the inner equipment of people, not on their outer skill or riches. All of you are fundamentally divine, and so, naturally, the more you manifest the Divine attributes of Love, Justice, Truth and Peace, the more joy you will be able to impart and enjoy yourself! If you choose to manifest less of the divine attributes, the more ashamed you ought to be, for you are living counter to your own heritage!

over 7 years ago