AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

Amongst the qualities that are needed to realise your Divinity, the foremost is ‘Kshama’, forbearance or forgiveness. It is essential for every human being. It is supreme amongst virtues. Forbearance is truth, righteousness, compassion and nonviolence; Kshama comprehends every other quality. Purity of mind must be practiced to acquire Kshama. Purity of mind requires total elimination of attachments and aversions from the mind. Hatred and envy should have no place. Today people cannot bear to see others happy or prosperous; this is the sign of a polluted mind. To be truly human, you must have a pure and unsullied mind. You must cultivate large-heartedness to return good for evil and not to cause pain to anyone in any circumstance. This is the mark of a pure mind. Recognise that the same Divinity – the same pure Spirit that dwells in you and the Power that animates you – is present equally in every human being.

over 7 years ago