AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

A person is judged by actions. Good actions reveal a good person and bad actions reveal a wicked person. Your qualities and actions are interdependent as actions reveal your inner qualities and your inner qualities drive your actions. Strive to reform yourself by developing good qualities. Merely listening to spiritual discourses or living in sacred places or in sacred company is of no use, unless an effort is made to practice a few of the noble teachings. Qualities like forbearance (kshama), compassion, truth, love and empathy are not restricted to any nation, race or faith. These are spiritual qualities and are essential for people everywhere, at all times. Propagation of Righteousness (Dharma) does not mean spreading knowledge about something that is unknown. Knowledge of Dharma is acquired only to promote its practice and only those who practice righteousness are qualified to propagate it. By practicing in daily living alone, you learn its true nature and realise its full value.

over 7 years ago