AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

The Avatar of the Lord is the real Guru, who is far more superior and compassionate than all Gurus. He can, by the mere expression of His will, confer the highest consummation of spiritual life. Even the meanest of the mean can acquire the highest wisdom, in a trice. Such is the power of the Guru of all Gurus. A real guru will steal your heart, not your wealth. When the fullest embodiment of God comes down as a human, you too must develop the power to attract the giver of illumination to bestow His Grace on you. You must concentrate on service to the Guru and ruminate over His teachings. You must be eager to translate His teaching into daily activity and actual practices. You must fill your heart with devotion and dedicate all your skill for the actualization of the Guru’s counsel. Such a person alone deserves the title of a pupil (sishya).

over 7 years ago