AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

The tree of life is a tree of delusion, with all its branches, leaves and flowers. You can realise it as such, when you do all acts as dedicated offerings to God. See Him as the sap through every cell, as the Sun warming and building every little plant. See Him in all, worship Him through all, for He is all! Engage in activity, but fill it with devotion: It is devotion that sanctifies! A piece of a paper is almost trash, but if it is a certificate you have earned, you value and treasure it, don’t you? It even becomes a passport for your promotion in life! So also it is the intent and thought (Bhava) behind your actions that matter, not the outward pomp and show (Bahya). Work, Worship and Wisdom are complementary, not contradictory! Do not separate them! Work is like your feet, Worship is your hands and Wisdom is your head. All the three must co-operate throughout your life!

over 7 years ago