Cynthia Williams (awakenedtruth)

If you would like a dream interpretation reading but still are confused on whether it is necessary then please feel free to read my universal channeled information about dreams below.

Dreams are formations of the mental restrictions within one’s life. They are the energy multiplications of the universal conquest to the manifestation of choices. They are the complexity within beliefs and the transmuted vortexes of ones destined path. They are the future, past, and present of all living organisms within the field of organic cosmic forces.

The only parts of dreams that somehow confuse the masses are the meanings that flow from them, to understand the significance of dreams one would have to understand the importance of their life’s purpose and their formative future.

Dreams are not just simple renditions of everyday notions and random thoughts or stories. They are manifested energy representations of what you choose to become. The more you come to terms with the meanings to your dreams and your connection to your thoughts and beliefs the easier it will be to interconnect your dreams with a higher foundation of knowing… which will, in turn, help you factor what transmits throughout your overall vibratory bodily function.

Once the reason for a dream is understood one could come to a quicker resolution of what to do within a certain situation or period of their life that seems to be confusing, overbearing, inert, restricted, or over cycled. The comprehension of your dreams will also help determine the best route to take to get to the next step within life that will lead you to a higher state of being and in doing so transmit a frequency that is higher than your last conflicted or inert frequency. Living within a higher frequency brings balance throughout your life, your choice’s, your physical and mental health, your thoughts, and conscious manifestations.

Dreams that tell the future of your life path, the world or universe are representations of your consciousness that are connected universally to all consciousness without time barriers or restrictions to the combinations of all systems, vortexes, or fields. The better you understand your connection to all there is the easier it will be to get a better grasp on an omniscient reality which is constantly being formed through our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and choices.

Nightmares are simple renditions of yourself that you try to hide from within your vortex that transmutes your DNA into a level of discombobulated fear particles, which disguises your true power and your impact within this world and within time itself. Once you can face your fears of becoming more than what you are, and the everlasting mode of transformation and change then the exaggerated renditions of yourself will become evident and the meanings of your dreams will manifest into a future rendition of your consciousness, which is constantly evolving. If you understand, who you want to become, and you are not fighting your evolution and your transformation then your dreams will become a reality that is sought after rather than a theme or force to be reckoned with. Accepting your evolution could be as simple as trying to attain your goals or wants, facing your fears, reevaluating restricted or self-destructing beliefs, which will, in turn, stop the formation of manipulated representations of your repressed desires.

Originally posted May 26, 2011 by Cynthia Williams

over 7 years ago