AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

When we look at the Avatar of Narasimha, we get a feeling of terror. When Lord Narasimha appeared, it looked as if Prahlada was standing in a corner full of fear. At that time, Lord Narasimha looked at Prahlada and asked him if he was afraid of the fearsome figure which had come to punish his father; but Prahlada explained that he was not afraid of the Lord as it was the sweetest form one can comprehend. He said that he was indeed happy to be able to see the Lord. The Lord then asked why Prahlada was afraid. To this Prahlada replied that he was afraid because the divine vision which he was then having was likely to disappear in a few moments and he would soon be left alone. The fear which was troubling Prahlada was that God will leave him in this world and disappear. Prahlada wanted to ask God not to leave him. God’s divine vision and divine beauty are such that only his devotees can appreciate.

over 7 years ago