Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Okay a bit of a personal one this … but a short while back I had a health scare. Don’t worry I am not looking for sympathy just using myself as example. It kind of came out of the blue and before I knew it I was in the back of an Ambulance with the paramedic hooking me up to IV lines, ECG heart scans and blood pressure traces all at the same time. Now some of you maybe thinking “ah an NDE story (near death experience) but sorry to disappoint it was not such.

I remained Compos Mentis the whole way through. Even when the ambulance was involved in a minor RTA en route to the hospital. Yes can you believe it ? well neither could I but they we go. But that one is for another day. But as all of this started to unravel on a very normal mundane Monday morning suddenly everything around me became very real. As if I was seeing everything in much sharper colors – things seemed so much more intense …. as was the pain moving across my chest. This was not a vision of god or angels or the after life. It was me – suddenly afraid – adrenaline pumping full speed through my body and suddenly in that moment I became aware of one clear fact. I did not like where I was and certainly did not like the idea of suddenly checking out and meeting my maker before 2pm that day.

Eventually I got to the A&E the doctors did what they do best and stabilized me. The pain receded but the fear stayed with me. And it truly got me thinking about what on this earth is important and what is not. So often I hear so many difficult life situations with the work I do as an advisor and Empath here. And I honestly do feel empathy for people and what they face – but also there is another side to everything. We can get so wrapped up in emotional pain , so stuck with 1 life issue or another , that we forget where we actually are.

The odds of you being born at all statistically are around 1 in 40 Million … the odds of you not being born are stacked well in your favor. This really holds a message that to be here at all is in itself not only a miracle but also the biggest blessing you can have. One that stands above finding love, or winning the lottery, or getting you ex partner back (or indeed dumping them) and when you put it like that it can be a very sobering thought. Blink another moment and we wont be here … imagine all the people that have lived before us … well its approximately 108 Billion … and many of those 108 Billion will have gone through life never imagining that this life would end. But as sure as there is light then night our time will also come.

I dont say this to depress people but rather in the hope that we pause a moment and take stock of what we really have! I know some of you reading this are going through really tough times and probably thinking, well it is easy for Dino to say all this but I cant see the light at the end of tunnel. Well neither could I until I was laid in the back of that ambulance suddenly wondering if this was my last day on this planet. Since that point I have started to enable sweeping changes in my life and the way I live. And each day I wake up no matter what I have or do not have – I am grateful for being awake.

Look at the small things around you , open your eyes and you may be really surprised by what you see and feel. Sure we can not live in bliss and harmony 24/7 but we can choose not to allow the actions and thoughts of others or indeed difficult situations from holding us back. And if I can do this , trust me if you knew my life you would know why I say “so Can You”

Dino – The Empath

over 7 years ago

Sophea (rravenmoon)

Thank you for sharing this. It was very enlightening and powerful. I had a life changing experience myself this year although it was not health related and it gave me a much similar realization.

over 7 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Thank you Sophea and yes certain life events can bring great change for sure!

Blessings Dino

over 7 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Just to say thanks to you who commented on this article through your messages. Glad it has helped some :)


over 7 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

One last point to note as I have had quite a few questions on this article sent to me. We cant control everything and what we can not control we need to step back from. And focusing on what you CAN control will actually make a person feel so much more empowered. Which is what its all about right ?

over 7 years ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)

nice reading, thanks!

over 7 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Thank you LoveSizeMedium happy you enjoyed my article :)

over 7 years ago