Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

Just a warning this is a bit of a rant so read at your own expense….

In this world there is givers and takers we all know the old saying (IT’S BETTER TO GIVE THEN TO RECEIVE) But what’s that even mean should we give fully with out expecting, No Not At All,,, but most of do any ways, We walk that extra mile we take that extra time. We give with or heart and soul to the point where it becomes a sacrifice and we sacrifice or own being or own peace of mind or every thing for these people.

What do we get in return,, Most of the time we get abused lift feeling like we are the problem. We even blame our self’s for there mistakes.

people take take take and give nothing and in some cases the Lil that they do give feels like the whole world. But in reality we know that its only for a reason that these so-call lovers/friends/family-members are giving us there undivided attention? Its only to get what they want or need from you..

So whats with us why do we contuie to do the things we do for them is it out of habit is it to gain the reward of being the best person in the world???

why do we do it (Here’s why its a really big secret so listen close ‘>‘

NURTURERS We are determined to nurturer the ones we love and the ones we don’t.

Most ppl think that all women are nurturers.. Not the case not at all but you can kinda look at a mother, She is careful She knows she will need a safe place to give birth she knows she will need someone to help protect her young,,,

SAY A MOTHER Lioness in the wild she hunts eats rests and mates,  But once she becomes pregnant.

When she finally gives birth she has her ears and eyes open to be aware of her surroundings to protect her young and she does whatever she has to to keep them safe fed and warm, No one told her how no one thought her no one gave her instructions but she immediately knew it is her job,,,

The Same for the giver think back to when you where a child no one had to tell you to care for you sibs or your friends no one sat you down and told you give with all you got and don’t even think about yourself.

In my openion we where born this way and yes it is what makes the world go around The whole Give and take,,, but there is a better way. Start listing to yourself to your inner spirit yes give but not to the point where you are being abused. That is just what it is abuse, So cut the cord let go a little give but not to the point where you feel neglected. GIVE WHAT YOU CAN NOT ALL THAT YOU HAVE

The best thing for a giver to do is find a way to be a nurturer through work and through investing you’re time in things like being a volunteer or help someone in need. Through your local church women’s shelter or find a career that does allow you to help At least you will get paid for it and wont feel the need to help and provide for the whole world,,,

I hope this helps some one,, I woke up today with some concerns thoughts of neglect and mistake i made in the past

So thanks for reading Have blessed day

over 8 years ago

Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)


over 7 years ago