AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

Practise the three disciplines of silence, cleanliness and forbearance. In silence the voice of God can be heard, not in the revelry of noise. Through cleanliness you earn purity. By forbearance, you cultivate love. I am yours; you are Mine, forever and ever. I am in you; you are in Me. Hoist the Flag of Prasanthi in your own heart. The flag is a reminder of your duty to yourself. It reminds you to overcome the urge of low desires, of anger and hate when your desires are thwarted; it exhorts you to expand your heart so that you embrace all humanity, all life and all creation; it directs you to quieten your impulses and calmly meditate on your own inner reality. It assures you that, when you do so, the lotus of your heart will bloom, and from its center will arise the flame of divine vision, which guarantees prasanthi (infinite peace).

over 8 years ago