Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

Over coming Addiction is an up hill battle that isn’t always won,

Its not easy and it hurts you more then you know. Not only in the psychical body but spiritually as well, it hurts the ones you love the most and can cost you dearly

In My experience drugs will enhance whatever you are feeling (anger,hate, bitterness,pain, heart break, anxiety,) so the cats out of the bag,

If you feel that you are using narcotics to cover up or hide behind these “drugs” its not working

it will just make your inner pain come out wards and will hurt everyone you love including your self

In my life i have watched loved ones and clients alike struggle to hold down a job, Ive seen them become isolated. i learned that addiction brings negative spirits and negative ppl will automatically be drawn to you as silly as it sounds the old saying comes to mind (Misery loves company) is true,

As hard as it is to let go of the addiction it will be even harder to get back all that you might lose or have lost, But i am here to tell you that you will gain back your life and 10x more when you let go and find the peace of god

I am not judging here but i want and hope that someone reading this will take this in and use it to grow stronger,

Take a look around. You might need a reality check. God is for you and wants you to come to him,

Lay it all out and ask him to help you to recover and bring you back to a better place of peace, search your soul and know that you have more to give

Finding inner peace is not always easy and yes its hard and can be stressful but you have to try not only for your sake but for your children for the people you love and don’t want to lose.

Some of you might say you have no one but that’s not true your actions speak louder then words, You might be pushing away the people that love you, You might need to take look back and think what you have is more important then what you don’t,

Be thankful for what you have an don’t take for granted the the Lil things cause in a moments time you can lose it

Children grow up and move away, Parent pass on but life is precious.

It doesn’t matter what someone may have told you are think about you But life is what you make it what you have to work with and how you use it to become the person that you are today

Give your self a chance let the spirit of god show you how to live and work at it

Life is not always a fairy-tail theirs always a valley but if we don’t cross the valleys we will never be able to reach the mountain tops so challenge yourself and fight for what you want.

You will reach your goals it will take hard work and effort but you will get there just be strong and find a place of peace seek god and you will be filled with joy,

If you are someone you know needs help here is a list of crisis lines you can call

i pray that the peace of god comes upon you god bless

Love and Light

AIDS National Hotline 1-800-342-2437

Domestic Violence Hotline/Child Abuse 1-800-4-A-CHILD (800 422 4453)

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline 800-662-HELP

Eating Disorders Center 1-888-236-1188

Gay & Lesbian National Hotline 1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)

Missing & Exploited Children Hotline 1-800-843-5678

Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673)

Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK

Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999

over 8 years ago