AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

Many aspirants lack moral commitment and seek God for the fulfilment of their petty desires and transient benefits. No one seeks to understand the nature of true love or the Divinity that underlies everything. What we witness today in the world, is a great deal of play-acting. All appear as devotees and all proclaim their spirit of sacrifice. Everyone declares himself or herself as a sadhaka (spiritual aspirant). Every believer claims that they are connecting with God. Sincerely enquire within, “Is the aspirant (Sadhaka) serving God or is God serving the Sadhaka?” The service that the sadhaka is doing is trivial. Offering to God what God has provided is like offering to the Ganga water from the Ganga. The truth is it is God who is serving the devotee. All the capacities given by God should be used in the service of the Divine. There is no need to go in quest of God. God is all the time searching for the genuine and steadfast devotee.

over 8 years ago