SOPHIA ANGEL -Known for the... (sophia_angel)


LOVE – There is another fire sign in the picture which might only be in your head or might actually be a third wheel in your relationship that you want to obliterate or omit or you will walk away because you cannot stand the competition. You will also fall sick at the second week of the month because of too much depression and emotional stress, you’re being indecisive at the moment and you feel like walking away (again) but are unable to make a decision further. But, at this point you will rise above and win the situation. Your partner loves you and you just need to put some trust into her/him to make this relationship work. You must be overanalyzing or over thinking about the things that you fear the most. You want to make an immediate judgment of a situation and you feel trapped in a heartache or love triangle. But this is just only in your head as you have to look in a broader perspective that there is no love triangle that is on-going. It’s only your fear and paranoia.

FINANCES – You seem to be struggling at work, the money isn’t that pleasing or rewarding as you thought it would be, especially for those of you who just got work or who got a new job. You will also learn that someone around you who’s an earth sign will be executing a business agreement and you’re most likely very pleased with the outcome and would like to hop in. However, you want to leave someone who’s an authority figure or more likely your boss because you’ve been struggling and already having a hardtime coping with the stressful environment but you’re thinking twice because you don’t know what’s going to happen next. You will receive money but it’s not sufficient enough for you to provide for your family or to someone else and you’re already being impatient that this is not going anywhere. What you should do right now is start looking around or join someone else’ newly opened business which you will be tasked to manage it.

HEALTH – You also have to look after your health more this month as you will most likely be ill more often for the rest of the month. One is take more supplements for your immune system, check the nasal bleeding and check your urine and stomach pains.

over 8 years ago