AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

People today crave for material comforts and luxury (bhoga). From bhoga, you will only get rogha, diseases! Understand that money is of no help in developing good qualities. Sacrifice alone can develop noble qualities within you. Indeed through sacrifice (thyaga), you can get bliss and eternal joy (yoga). Many people shift to cities in pursuit of comfort and luxuries, and find themselves in multitude of difficulties and sorrow. This is their own making. In fact, city life defiles true culture in all possible ways and you can never obtain happiness from happiness (Na sukhat labhyate Sukham). It is only through suffering can you derive happiness. To make your life happy, you must undertake selfless service. The ancient culture is most preserved in villages than in cities and towns. Hence, go to villages, find out their needs and alleviate their suffering. Hands that serve are always holier than lips that pray.

over 8 years ago