⚜ Count Marco ⚜ (countmarco)

In the midst of all the wonderfully crafted Christmas Adverts on the TV, emotive Christmas Music in stores and shops, we can soon start to feel the pressure dragged into attempting to create the “perfect” Christmas experience. Remember clever corporate business work full time of creating this illusion. Through the vehicle of their advertising campaigns we are also given an insight of how amazing everyone else’s Christmas is going to be. We can easily go into panic mode, trying to compete and feeling incredibly guilty if we cannot reach this unrealistic expectation of perfection. Now we also have friends, friends of friends and family members who seem to be all so much ahead of us creating the Christmas Card Experience. We start to feel one wrong move, one thing omitted from the Master Plan and Christmas will truly be ruined at our own hands!

Be Realistic and please forget perfection. Roughly sketch out what would suit your expectations. Remember if you are having a break from work, a few days off, that is already a bonus.

Simplicity in Decoration – No need to break your neck by trying to go deep into the Forest to find the perfect Nordic Pine Christmas Tree. Get something that is easier for your needs and dress it nicely; either a real tree or false tree – does not really matter if its your choice. A few baubles and a string of lights and you are well on your way. As the years pass more decorations will build up, that you can use time and time again.

Please forget perfection and accept a sense of calm, serenity and tune to a more magical level. Have a acceptance that things will go wrong during these special days. You probably will survive most of them! In years to come you will no doubt laugh at them.

Plan some sort of festive meal according to your tastes. However as all the Supermarkets are now only closed for no more than 24 hours the days of filling 6 trolleys of provisions, is really coming to an end. Cook to your ability, whilst its great to get influence by the latest master Chef on TV be realistic and cook up something you can enjoy and easily manage. Do you truly want to endure an 8 hour shift in a hot kitchen?! If that’s your thing great, but if not do NOT punish yourself in this masochistic manner. Always simplify. If you can delegate so that other family members can join in, be sure to do so.

Cut back on Commitments. Do not try to visit every family member or friend within a 3 day period. Believe me your quality as a visitor will not be that great.

Accept it is normal when your extended family suddenly spends longer levels of time in each others company; that conflict or arguments can erupt. Avoid getting into any detail as much as you can – agree to disagree, suggest you both look at that next year.

Use this break and holiday time to get some sleep. After some nice food, enjoy a brisk walk and then climb back into bed. Enjoy the opportunity to pleasure yourself in simple ways.

Anyone that has lost a loving relative or friend will inevitably hit a point sometime during thins most emotive period where they feel the Grief and lost of that beloved person. Let it come through you like the waves of grief will always do. As it has done so before it will pass. Immediately turn off emotive music put on a comedy programme, take a quick walk outside or phone a friend.

If you are to be totally isolated and alone at Christmas; you can still make a perfect few days for yourself. Really get yourself some nice treats in. Treat yourself like a King or Queen for a few days. Reach out to friends, family or any organisations that you have contact with them and tell them of your fears.

Remember it truly only lasts a few days. Then slowly life gets back to normal, decorations start to look scrappy and you forever seem to be walking on broken toys!

To try not to build the Christmas of Christmas’ Try to focus on what matters which is you enjoying a little break and rest and using it as an opportunity to show people you care. Above all focus on what matters and that is actually YOU! Find a space within it all for yourself – read a book, go for a walk, watch a certain movie, quality time for you. My Mother and Father used to give themselves to us fully on the Christmas Day as children, but come Christmas night they had no shame in throwing us to our beds and enjoying their quiet time. Make sure you get your quiet time…..

And remember if you want to check out what is actually coming up in 2016, do not hesitate to give us a call. We would so love to hear from you!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Count Marco

over 8 years ago