AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

Temple worship, company of sages, adoration of the Lord and recital of His name – these are external sources of light. Meditation, austerity and reflection (dhyana, tapas and manana) — these are sources of inner illumination. Devoid of both, how can you experience the vision of divine glory? Once Tulsidas Goswami declared, “Do you require light inside the house as well as outside? If yes, then place the lamp on the doorstep!” So too, if you desire to experience the illumination of peace (shanti) within you and also spread it out, then place the name of the Lord on the tongue, which is the doorstep of your personality! The lamp on the tongue will not flicker, fade, or be put out by any storm. It will confer peace on you as well as on all whom you meet – in fact, the entire world.” Therefore, for your salvation, evoke the vision of the form with the Lord’s name on your tongue.

over 8 years ago