SOPHIA ANGEL -Known for the... (sophia_angel)

LIBRA: Don’t gloat too much in the bliss that you’re in right now as most likely it’s not going to last and another revelation of lies will come to the surface and will cut you open. You know how this relationship’s been going yet you chose to open your doors again and hope for things to change though you know it will only go down the mist.

Singles, don’t give up on someone yet even though the object of your affection seems to be sidesteppin’ you for a while now because you will most likely change your status soon.

If you’re thinking of taking a loan or borrowing to someone close to you, most likely that you will get a yes but not the entire amount that you needed, but better than never.

SCORPIO: Ask yourself, what is more important to you—money or love? Then why are you being stingy over someone that you’re with even though that person’s already right in front of you sitting helpless and distraught. You’re repeating the mistake of the past and listen to your heart than other people’s opinions and you will actually be surprised how your relationship will turn out to be, open yourself up and don’t be too selfish.

Singles, you’ve been meeting a lot of people the past few weeks or months yet you can’t seem to find the right one for you—maybe because you are looking for it at the wrong place. There’s already someone around you who’s heart is bleeding everytime he/she hears your story about the people that you were dating and about that person from the past whom you cannot get over with.

You’ve already saved enough for the rainy days and it’s time for you to pay your obligations to someone that you have been shrugging off for the past few months and lying that you don’t have any extra. Be responsible to your financial debts and you will reap good karma for this.

SAGITARRIUS: Are you really aiming for the right target? Or you’re just plainly shooting in the dark hoping that your arrow would dart far enough to reach the stars? Study all the angles of the project that you’re preparing yourself coz you might just be preparing for the ashes and darkness. Consult someone that is older than you and is more experienced if it’s worth wasting your time on this or it’s really time to find a real work and put your head on it.

Love, if you’re missing someone else and not the one that you’re with, then you’re only inviting more room for temptation and disaster to the cracks of your relationship. Your partner is keeping their thoughts, feelings and secrets to themselves so be careful with your actions as most likely that you are both doing the same thing at the same time. If you want to save this relationship, curb that extra person in the relationship, otherwise it’s time to make a choice and move on.

Money will still be tight this month till the next and once you got one, be mindful of your spending habits. If you’re thinking of borrowing money for a business or trip that you want to make, hold that thought for now because most likely that you won’t be able to give it back for a long time.

over 8 years ago