AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

The almanac might indicate that ten units of rain will fall, but even if you fold that news sheet ten times and squeeze, not a drop of rain can be extracted. Almanac’s purpose is to give information about rain. Rain is in the clouds above. After learning from scriptures, if you immerse yourself in spiritual practice, then the world and its worries will not affect you. It is only when you are far from practice that you experience suffering and feel pain. As you approach the marketplace, you hear a huge indistinct uproar. But when you enter it, you can clearly distinguish each conversation. So too until the reality of the Supreme (Paramatma) is known to you, you are overpowered and stunned by the uproar of the world! But when you practice sincerely, everything becomes clear and the Divine reality awakens within you. Until then, you will be caught up in the meaningless noise of argumentation, disputation, and exhibitionist flamboyance.

over 8 years ago