SOPHIA ANGEL -Known for the... (sophia_angel)

CANCER – You’re well driven and determined to reach your goal, but ask yourself where are you heading? It seems like you’re crawling in the dark and shooting at an open space hoping your arrow would pierce an apple somewhere somehow. Keep the spirit going but map your way as well. Finances should start looking better this week as there will be news about an additional resource or money that you’ve been long expecting. Career should also pay off starting this week till the year ends but the increment that you’re expecting won’t be that high and rewarding, just more into additional works and responsibilities and you want something more out of your hard labor. Pay attention to your bleeding nose or bleeding part of your head as it might lead into something serious.

LEO – Your fondness about a close friend has blossomed into a more loving nature and bigger picture. You’ve been daydreaming about a certain day to come for the two of you to finally be an item or at least to take your relationship to the next level, but ask yourself are you on the same page? Finances should also start looking better gradually this week as there will be less expenses to come and pay compare from last month’s bills and unexpected payments also pay attention to your worsening credit card bills. Family should also be focused upon this week especially young male in your family. Look closely at what they have been carrying inside their bags from school and protect them from bullying. At work, be careful not to get involved with an office affair as it is more likely won’t go anywhere but under the desk and in the dark only.

VIRGO – You’re still living in the past and you know deep inside of you who’s still holding down your heart yet you chose to deny and turn your back on to that past. Ask yourself if you’re really satisfied with the things are going into your life and with the way your relationship pans out. Are you still happy campers or just pretending to be happy for the heck of being together and afraid to let go. Clear your mind and thoughts and reflect if that’s the right person for you. Money should be a little bit tight this week as there will be an emergency medical expenses coming through right by the end of the week. Health should also be focused on your recurring problems about skin and tissue or lymph nodes.

over 8 years ago