Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

--  Albert Einstein

How many times do you do things the same way. There are hundreds of things we repeatedly do and wonder why we get the same results.

A common question most asked, is why do I end up with the same type of partner and broken relationships.


We’re doing the same thing we’ve always done.

1. Reacting out of emotion 2. Negative thinking 3. Obsessing with worry 4. Seeing things from one angle and perception. 5. Being closed minded 6. Black and white thinking 7. Everything is good or bad, good or evil 8. Blaming 9. Drawing conclusions and assumptions without enough information and gathering all the facts and information before making choices. 10. Being Impulsive 11. Lack of patience 12. Not taking action when appropriate and correct timing. 13. Docile and a doormat 14. Not active listening 15. No routine in relaxing and learning to regulate emotions, thoughts, and feelings. 16. Looking outward for acceptance, approval, and validation. 17. Learned Helplessness and not believing you can stand on your own two feet. 18. Getting stuck and frozen in fear 19. Negative vocabulary and communication with others. 20. Being a Know it all. 21. Not being clear and concise about what it is you want in a relationship. 22. Accusations 23. Not being faithful 24. Judging 25. Trying to control others and the outcome 26. Not letting go 27. Not choosing battles wisely

This is just a short list, but there are many lessons to learn and pay attention to every day. Take time to master life’s lessons one at a time, and change your approach.

What are you doing right? What are you doing wrong? Take time to evaluate the situation and adjust and adapt. Form new habits and routines to point you in the right direction.

over 8 years ago