AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

Have high aims in life. Set before yourselves the examples of great men and women who have figured in the history of our country and the world. Take a lesson from their life of sacrifice and heroism. You need determination to face the challenges of life which is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, and joys and sorrows. These challenges have to be faced with faith in God. The mind should not be allowed to waver and hop from one thing to the other. A steady mind is the mark of a truly educated person. Life should be governed by definite regulations. Self-control is essential for leading a righteous life. Our culture has always laid stress on the well-being of all. You should not be overwhelmed by difficulties that you may encounter in life. They are all transient; they come and go. The source of enduring bliss is within you. Do not give way to weakness of will.

over 8 years ago