Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

How invested are you in your relationship? Are you clear and concise about what you want in a relationship?

What are you learning from the experience? What is the purpose of you being with partner you’re with?

You’ve chosen the relationship for a specific reason. I can probably tell you it is one of these things.

You want to be loved. You want to be accepted. You want to be whole and complete.

Love is a basic need we all desire. Acceptance is another need.

What makes it hard when we enter relationships is we are wounded souls from addictive, abusive, and alcoholic families. Many times we may have experienced traumatic wounds in childhood. We usually partner with another person who has similar wounds.

Unaware we’re repeating thinking patterns, and behaviors passed down generation to generation. The more we become aware we see how we have no other choice but to heal the wounds, and do our inner work.

Usually we will resist change, fight, and struggle in relationships until one day we hit rock bottom and have to do something different.

We look outside of ourselves for love and acceptance, and many times we are carrying around those wounds. It displays in the form of jealousy, resentment, bitterness, anger, rage, retaliation, pay backs, and getting revenge.

It shows up when we argue, gossip, rumormonger, and start smear campaigns. In away it is screaming, I’m in pain and suffering. We have a tendency to hold everything inside and when the right opportunity comes we make someone else the scape goat to vent.

We will often deny we participate in harming others emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

We will avoid admitting we participate and say and do the things we do. We will blame someone else for what we create.

Shame and guilt needs to be confronted and understood for what it is. We can let go of shame and guilt and be free of it. There’s only one person who can truly heal you. It’s you.

What is self love? Self Love is understanding yourself, accepting you’re imperfections and perfections. Be nurturing to yourself, have empathy for yourself, and allow yourself to get rid of negative emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a positive way without inflicting pain and suffering on someone else.

When you love and approval from yourself, you can find it in healthier friendships and love relationships.

Sometimes we want to hang onto relationships that are no longer suitable for us. There personality type may not be compatible with ours. Other times they may have extreme trauma and injury and their not ready to heal.

Often when people leave a relationship, it can be for various reasons. One of those reasons is the pain and suffering is to much to bare, and the other person isn’t willing to heal.

We can’t force someone to love us, or remain in a relationship with us. This is why it’s important to heal yourself. The more you heal, the more you will be attracted to others who have healed themselves, and both of you will meet and be able to maintain a healthy relationship.

Others are ready to heal together and will do the inner work together.

We all have made agreements in relationships and have chosen to create and co-create the reality we both experience.

We all choose to communicate, relate, and take action or no action to improve our lives. We can spend a lot of time looking outward for answers and love, but it’s always going inward that we find the answers.

Take the time to love and nurture who you are. Value you’re self, acknowledge your wounds, find positive ways to heal.

When we’re healing nicely, life moves a bit easier, and we can create and co-create the relationships we desire.

over 8 years ago