Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

There are many times we create mountains in our thoughts. We look at all the problems in life. We see a problem. We stare at the obstacles and don’t know what to do.

We’ve made certain choices in our life through communication. We’ve said things by using negative vocabulary. Attacking others out of jealousy, anger, rage, bitterness, disappointment, high expectations, inner wounds from traumatic childhood experiences and project those experiences on the people or situation in front of us.

The Mountains don’t move unless you’re seeing things with clarity and focus. In the middle of chaos and confusion it’s hard to see clearly.

Emotions and feelings take center stage. We react naturally out of fear, stress, and anxiety. We’ve learned negative ways to communicate from the beginning.

The Mountains in life can be there simply because we’ve created them.

We can take a lot of action, but sometimes the wrong action. If we don’t know how to play the game, and how to make the right moves, we can’t move through life with ease.

Mountains are created by false beliefs we’ve learned from society, culture, family, religion, spiritual, political, an educational institutions. We can even be manipulated by false advertising.

Our Mountains are created by us and co-created by others who are learning the same lessons in life. We’re all at different levels and grow at different paces.

Mountains are moved when you take your eyes off the problems and start searching for positive solutions. What is the problem? And how can I solve the problem. What am I doing wrong? What needs to be adjusted? What can I do differently.

There is a cause and effect to every action. There is an outcome based on how you interact in the situation. Negative thoughts and negative beliefs can be a huge road block, and if we do things the same way, we will get the same results.

What do you believe? What kind of self-limiting beliefs do you have about relationships and success? Make a list of all the things you say to yourself and other people.

Is your belief true or false? Have you ever questioned that belief? Have you ever researched the answers from many different people? We rarely question what we’re taught, or whether it’s accurate information.

For you to move a mountain, this means you have to seek out the answers yourself, search for the true answers, and let go of false beliefs and negative thought patterns that no longer serve you and drive you in the direction you want to be in relationships and success.

If you stare at the problem, nothing will happen, but the problem will become bigger and bigger. If you allow others to tell you what to do, you may be going in a million different directions. You have to learn to trust yourself and learn to navigate the way with your own inner compass. There are no short cuts around the mountain. We all have to walk the journey through and around the mountain to get to where we want to be.

This would mean before you can move the mountain, you must do some inner work and unlearn what isn’t working and learn something new that will take you the distance.

over 8 years ago