Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

Its Time to get real with yourself,, maybe a reality check no that’s not what i mean i mean we need to examine our self’s.

Take a good look in the mirror and look at out self’s what does that mean,, What do i mean,

Let me explain have you ever heard of the serenity prayer,

It Goes something like this God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change The courage to change the things i can the wisdom to know the difference.

Whats that mean you probably got a pretty good idea.

However think about what it says here basically give me strength to accept the things i cannot change (CHANGE) being the key word here we need to be able to accept that there is things that we just “CANNOT CHANGE” but we need to accept them any way,,,

Why you ask? well some times somethings have to come to an end, Ending a relationship/losing job/ending a friendship. etc etc etc

All of the above can make us are break us what do i mean by that well in my experience losing something or someone changes us,

Makes us see things in a different light, so to speak we can either grow from it and move up and it can also cause us to open our eyes to bigger and better things,

But more often times then none we fall into this pit of self pity and wallow in our tears we see it as a loss like (Death) like there’s no future no hope no way out,,,,

So we just fall to pieces drag our whole being into this hole of let downs we think on all our down falls and every single thing that went wrong in our life’s and hope to just go off into the abbess)

But that’s not reality is it not at all we end up wasting time on things that wasted or time in the first place.

So Helena what the heck does this prayer have to do with it.

God grant me the Serenity to ACCEPT the things i CANNOT CHANGE /ACCEPT/CANNOT CHANGE)

The courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the deference COURAGE/WISDOM/TO KNOW THE DEFERENCE.

We need to accept the things we can’t change and we need WISDOM/understanding to recognize the things we can and we need to be able to know the Deference between what makes us who we are our.

We have the tendency to make things worst then they are and we seem to focus on the bad when things go wrong but what we need to do is look at the Plus side of things if you lose someone LOVER or FRIEND its for our best,, maybe that person/s are not meant to be there they may be a obstacle for us in life they may have held us back from the best things we never knew we could have had.

If we lose a job it may be-because we have a better opportunity that will increase us and change things for the better it can lead us to something that we may have never knew or even thought of maybe it will give us some extra time to spend with family and friends and we might find that they have something interesting an idea that can change our life’s or need our help with,

What i am saying is life’s to short to have sorrow and wallow in it of course were going to fall but we get up again,,,

All this brings a scripture to mind

MICAH 7/7-8 But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. Israel Will Rise

8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

You will get through this take some time and gloat cry it out, Whatever it takes but don’t rollover and fall and stay down get up and know god knows and if he let something or took something away from you then he has something much greater in store For you so stay strong look at the things you are blessed with and be thankful for all that you have…...

Psychic Helena

as always may god bless and keep you

over 8 years ago

Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

I will be on all day thank you all for reading

over 8 years ago

Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

I hope that this massge has helped

over 8 years ago