Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

What I find is many people who are suffering from depression don’t really know thyself, from being in abusive relationships from the start with co-dependents, addictions, and alcoholics, they aren’t aware they have taken on the behavior and thinking patterns that are passed down generation to generation.

These patterns and behaviors have to be broken in order to have healthy relationships. Otherwise you may find yourself repeating a cycle over and over again by dating the same types of alcoholic, addictive, co-dependent relationships.

What tools can you use to Know thyself? Meyer’s Brigg’s personality type. This one was based off of Carl Jung. The other is the Enneagram personality test.

While these two tools don’t solve your problems totally, they help you understand your own personality and other people’s personality around you. Why you may not get along with certain types, and how they affect you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Part of knowing thyself is recognizing whether you are an introvert or extrovert. And we do live in a world that leans to extroversion in society.

What is healthy for an extrovert might not be healthy for an introvert. And out of the 16 types there are different ways we think, feel, and act in different situations.

This usually has to do with what types of jobs we find ourselves in, what types of relationships, and why they don’t work.

We have a tendency to try to make an introvert act like and extrovert, and try to make an extrovert act like an introvert. And they are two different types of people.

The Big Five test can help you see where your weaknesses are what you can work on to make your strengths. You will see we all have extrovert and introvert. We may lean towards one more than the other.

When you understand who you are, it’s much easier to understand other people. It may clarify the different perceptions, thinking, emotion, and feeling and why you may feel misunderstood, or why you don’t fit in.

For example: It made a lot of sense to me to find out the types of people I usually struggle with are Estj’s. Now that’s because I’m an Infj and it’s more like Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader. Not in the evil sense, but that we think and do things from opposite ends of the spectrum. We can both serve a purpose as a counselor and supervisor, but have different ways of dealing with things, processing things, and may polarize the other.

This is just a few tools you can find online for free, but in my spiritual journey until now it was never brought up, and I think it does help people understand themselves and gives them clearer picture of how personalities can be different and why each personality can be unique and add value to society, but still conflict with one another.

In co-dependent and alcoholic/addictive families it’s also important to know the role you play and how it has had a cause and effect on your relationships.

We talk about negative energy, but this stems from the influence you’re around. It’s necessary to get to the root of the problem. The root of the problem is usually alcohol, addictions, and co-dependency, which then is passed on generation to generation.

In family systems theory, you can use a geogram to help you navigate how far these behaviors and thinking patterns go. You will usually find patterns and behaviors through the family tree passed down.

So this is nice to know you can be the path cutter, and slice away the negatives, by taking on a different perspective, changing habits, and gaining a more positive and uplifting mindset.

I’ve found the more you understand yourself, the more you can make better choices, have a healthier perspective, and enter more healthier relationships.

I believe there is the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical body, and in co-dependent and addictive families and relationships do not allow you to develop the spiritual or emotional growth to be a balanced person. The world seems to be more mental focused, emotion and feelings are ignored, and where you lose yourself and can’t tell your emotions and feelings apart from those around you.

Emotions and feeling is your navigation system, and a necessary part of healthy development. Everything isn’t always logical, and we lose empathy when we shut down our emotions and suppress them.

Take the time to use simple tools that can give you better understanding of yourself and others.

over 8 years ago