Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

That moment when what you have been told by your psychic possibly a number of times over a number of readings actually does NOT come to pass. It can really rock your faith in such things. And for the Psychic trust me it can be as equally devastating. I know because I have been there.

No one can be 100% all of the time. Anyone who does tell you they have 100% accuracy is being rather liberal with the realities of this such things. I can hold my hands up and say at times things that are shown and felt do not come to pass. This year has actually been for the most part very positive when it comes to gauging in an empathic way situations and outcomes. But they have been a few whom I have really felt for when situations in the end did not turn out as expected or as I was shown.

When this happens your first reaction will probably be one of wanting to wring your psychics neck. I know I have been there. The next will be doubt … along maybe with some anger and the 3rd will be a whole raft of new questions as to the “why” .....

All of the above are natural and understandable reactions. But why do Psychics sometimes “Get It Wrong” ?

There is no one answer to this important question. As each situation is unique to itself as we are as people.

But a few pointers here …

Free Will …. yep I know with this subject these are 2 words you probably don’t want to hear. But hear it you must! Because Free Will is in motion every moment of every day. And at times a person does through own choice choose another path. Example. I tell a Client that A is going to be asking them out. A gives off many signals. Client is confident in what is going to happen. 2 Weeks later A is seen with another person on their arm. Client is very very upset.

So the Psychic in the end was 100% wrong Yes ? .... Well not quite. If you are well connected with your reader and they are legit … then what they saw in that moment or time was how things were then. And through studying the paths and vibrations of the energy flows a prediction is made of the probable outcome. But somewhere along the line A bumped into someone new … (yes it can happen) and that then in that moment changed everything. They chose (as is there right to do so Free Will sisters n brothers) to take another path. And then that outcome that was seen was radically changed.

Another reason albeit more rare is that when a person you are asking about is either very closed or very good at giving off a false impression of whom they really are … A Psychic or medium can usually pick up on this. As I said this is more rare but does happen.

Example A is showing as really happy with life when in truth deeper down they are depressed. Under normal circumstances an Empath can usually see through this and get to the heart of true feeling unless of course that person is really really good at putting up a front. Then it can be like a brick wall. And your Empath will go and pick up only the outer feelings and energy. Which actually is not a true representation of that persons emotional state.

Finally we play out part …. or we should. If your advised to hold back from contact or told to go for it and tell em what you think then you should “consider” acting on that advise. And if you do not … keep in mind this can at times have an effect on outcomes. Remember your psychic / Empath will always be looking whenever they can at the bigger picture and sometimes can see and feel things we can not see for ourselves. If guidance is given consider taking it and if you decide not to (Free Will) understand and accept this can alter what was shown.

But in the end wouldn’t life be boring and so predictable (excuse the pun) if we knew every outcome to every situation ? Would it even be worth continuing if everything was written in stone and nothing could be changed ?

I would say it would be. So rather than get down or upset or despondent when something you have been told does not come to pass, consider embracing the out come as part of a life experience that will lead you to more possibly better opportunity’s and situations. Be happy we live in a world that is diverse and at times unpredictable on so many levels. Embrace all of that and everything life throws at you and gives you. And then you maybe just maybe you will be quite surprised at how good you can feel even when what you have been told did not in the end come to pass.

And of course you can go back to your Psychic and tell em exactly how you feel :) Including wringing there neck if that helps )

Be Happy – comments welcome Psychic Dino

over 8 years ago

Cara Sirena (carasirena)

Great article, Psychic Dino. :)

over 8 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

Good article! I wish that Bitwine would stop allowing people to claim 100% accuracy,because it isn’t true.

over 8 years ago

Readings with Nicole (readings_with_nicole)

Great article Dino! Thank you!

over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Thank you Nicole glad you felt it of some use :-)

over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Thank you for your feed back and comments on this :)

over 8 years ago

catty spiritual advisor (catty)

i don’t know why people say 100% there is no such thing.

over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Very true Catty!

over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Someone was asking about this article so here it is again :) Feed back and comments always welcome!

over 8 years ago