Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Karma is the universal law which binds us together. It is not based on revenge or pay back. It works independently of such human emotions. Karma is in effect above our base instincts such as revenge love / hate.

What we put in we will take out ..

How we act will effect others ..

In giving we receive

In taking we can suffer loss

Do not think of Karma as a hidden weapon that can be used to wreck havoc in another persons life. A jilted lover for example or someone who has wronged you. It is easy to think that “karma will visit them” but it does not work in such ways.

Karmic cycles can take years to complete and some never complete in this life time. So if someone has hurt you do not wish them hurt back. Karma will balance this out when the time is right but not as personal payback for you but as a way of allowing the other person to re-balance.

So when you have been wronged try to say to the higher powers that its okay …. go in peace …. and I hold no animosity. Harder to do than to say for sure. But when you take into perspective the true essence of Karma you will see that approach can be the best both emotionally and spiritually.

In the end let Karma do its work independently of you and focus on what you can do to bring forward as much positive karmic energy as you can. Do that and you will start to reap the rewards this incredible universe we so much a part of has waiting for each and everyone one of us.


Your welcome to check my profile and my feedback … —

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over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Thanks so much for all the feedback I got sent to me on this. Other peoples input is always welcome ! )

over 8 years ago