Sophea (rravenmoon)

Aries: You will realize that behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. Every disappointment or loss brings an opportunity to create yourself and your life. Find inspiration in the little things.

Taurus: There are many options, but you can only choose one. What is your intuition telling you? As you make your choices, remember that truly, there are no mistakes.

Gemini: You’ll have a thirst for knowledge. it is the perfect time to soak up new ideas, and also, to share what you know, bringing the benefit of your experience to others.

Cancer:You cannot think negative thoughts or eat junk food and expect to become whole and healthy. Clear out the junk in your life, in every way. Start small, but aim to become a pure representation of your beliefs.

Leo: Remember, in order to receive love, you must give it to yourself first, unconditionally. This means learning to accept that no one, nothing, is perfect.

Virgo: It is a favorable time for chasing your goals…make sure you keep it positive; use diplomacy and consider all possible outcomes, and you can’t fail!

Libra: This is a time for communication, consider speech and the written word. This may be a time for you to explore becoming more open in your communication.

Scorpio:Be open to bonding deeply with another. Accept and appreciate interdependence.

Sagittarius: Witness the perfection in each unique soul you encounter. Prepare to be open to giving of yourself and you will feel the rewards.

Capricorn: Take time to receive and give love to those around you. When you receive and offer nurturing it increases the Love around you.

Aquarius: Moments of awakening are the result of focus and receptivity. You can now easily proceed with confidence toward the solution.

Pisces: The time has come to make amends. The heart becomes open and the mind becomes still. This is a timely opportunity to freely grant forgiveness to yourself and others.

over 9 years ago