Dr Sunny Marie (drsunnymarie)

Give to yourself the the life you desire! Manifestation is really not based on talent and skill, but the simple recognition and implementation of the most fundamental universal laws. The Universe supplies exactly and absolutely what you perceive your reality to be, that is to say, what you believe in. If your appeal is “I want …”, then it gives you precisely that, more of WANT, and not WHAT you want, for your reality is that you WANT.The universe supports the reality of your beliefs absolutely. When you believe you must struggle for abundance, then it will bring about situations that are conducive to struggle; when you believe you cannot experience love without pain, the universe will give you exactly that – love with pain; when you believe it takes time for an illness to heal – then so it will. There is not a single force opposing you, there is only ONE force supporting you absolutely. It is called LOVE, the force that birthed you, that created you in its own image. This love is so magnanimous it will give you exactly and absolutely whatever it is that your reality entails. Change your beliefs and you change your LIFE!! This is where I come in! I offer a custom designed study program! to step by step take you out of your insecure thoughts and mind sets that are holding you back from the relationship, joy and peace of mind, as well your spiritual development,cycling you like a fish swimming in same direction all the time. Never going anywhere! Universal laws which are of course Gods laws, not mans!This is why I guarantee THEY WORK!I Mentor with the laws of success, and prosperity, and we work together releasing you from those unconscious negative ruminating thoughts associated with past pain and hurt, as far back as child hood. I am side by side with you every step of the way through the program. You get to speak with me ,anytime you want. 7wk program,provides personal one-on-one counseling. there are no time restraints. I will be working with you as a coach, and mentor and counseling,and you also receive my prophesying gifts_that come from my death experience, when I crossed over to the spirit! You will be learning, and understanding, and applying what universal laws are, implementing of the laws into your life. Working on self esteem and confidence issues blocking your relationships,and prosperity and directing your Path to your life’s purpose! Providing you with the tools and supporting you with insights as to working with the laws and embracing the knowledge, teaching you how to apply the laws, in your present day circumstances and situations. Your life will flourish with positive backup and support as well as educating you integrating this truth into your world as a permanent tool for your relationships, prosperity, and love for yourself and others, and your creator self (Divine within).

12-Week Program This program offers all above, twelve weeks intensive training guidance, support, positive psychology, direction, encouragement, learning, and growth! Great way to start your new Year:) plus a bonus of 4 additional weeks are included with this program. I am going to extend this door of opportunity to providing you with transcripts, seminars with Bob Proctor from the “Secret”, discussions and in depth sessions working with eleven laws, integrating laws into your life. To complete this in-depth program you receive a series of online audio, you can download as CD’s with discussion,transcripts,and e-books teaching of the hidden secret of the Universal Laws, there are eleven laws, that I will be mentoring you on, Working with The Law,Law of Thinking, Law of Supply,Law of Attraction, Law of Receiving, Law of Increase, Law of Compensation,Law of Non Resistance,Law of Forgiveness,Law of Sacrifice, Law of Obedience, Law of Success! are provides with lifetime study guide,and live seminars w Bob Proctor.

Next the Top of the line! Extensive Intensive, Study program, Including all of the above, plus. online placement of working as a Certified life coach mentor, and teacher of Universal laws Counseling! Yes, I did say “CERTIFIED”! you receive all of the above, My Time and undivided Attention instruction ,counseling, Mentoring, and tools for success! Learning how to live life to the fullest, and enjoy life, not be dominated and controlled by negative thoughts that take away your life, love, and opportunities to be the best of yourself, and help others ,as well. I love my work, and I love the Idea that I am here to live my life filled with happiness, loving positive relationships, a beautiful powerful relation with God, and the Universe, and Great blessings of Prosperity as well, I would like you to experience this also! Remember We’re forever grasping for yesterday and reaching for tomorrow while each present moment wasted, fades quickly into missed opportunities! You found me for a reason!My Soul purpose is “YOU”! I am looking forward to working with you ,God Bless, Ask me about my Study programs, Now! Don not waste another moment!

Warm Regards Dr Sunny xx

over 9 years ago