Sophea (rravenmoon)

Aries: There is abundant opportunity at this time to enrich your life in many ways. It is a lucky time, when well-thought-out goals can be reached with greater ease. Life is abundant by nature.

Taurus:We are each small universes, and within us, we carry even smaller universes! You are the sacred vessel, living within the sacred vessel of the universe. No one really knows how large or small this concept goes…. you are asked to acknowledge your part in the grand scheme of life at this time.

Gemini:All things must change. This too shall pass. Are you having a hard time letting something go, when you know it is no longer useful in your life? Do you fight the tides? Are you rebelling against your destiny, hoping that if you fight hard enough, your destiny will cave in to your will? Stop

Cancer: Hidden information may come to light today. Prepare for the unexpected, but do expect the best! There may be a need to protect yourself—-consider a little extra insurance, carry a protective charm, add a few more dollars to your savings. It can’t hurt, and it just may save you some grief in the long run. No one was ever harmed by adding a little extra protection to their lives.

Leo:You’ll have a thirst for knowledge today! Have you been considering taking a class? Embarking on a journey to places you’ve been itching to visit? It is the perfect time to soak up new ideas, and also, to share what you know, bringing the benefit of your experience to others.

Virgo: Choices! Yes, you must make them! You’re at a crossroads at this time. There are many options, but you can only choose one. Look ahead, ask to be shown all possible outcomes in meditation. What is your intuition telling you? As you make your choices, remember that truly, there are no mistakes. Each of us comes here to Earth to learn and gain wisdom, and we draw to us the experiences we need in order to ascend to the next level spiritually.

Libra New beginnings & opportunities are highlighted today. If you’ve been contemplating a new start--whether in your personal life or on the job—you’re feeling ready to make that leap today! It is a time of rebirth, fertility and fresh starts. Remember, you must release from your life that which is no longer working for you, in order to fully embrace the new. Meditate on releasing the old and opening to all that is fresh and new!

Scorpio Today was made for play! Even if you must work, add a little fun to break up the monotony--don’t be so serious! Have lunch at a favorite childhood playground, go to a movie after work and forget those boring chores-they’ll still be there waiting tomorrow. Cheer up a friend who’s having a tough time by sending balloons or a teddy bear.

Sagittarius: Healing thru creativity is highlighted today! You will realize that behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. In essence, every loss or disappointment brings with it the opportunity to create yourself, your life and your future anew. Create something today by finding inspiration in the little things.

Capricorn:Love is on the agenda today! Aphrodite’s energy will make you hard to resist, especially if you display generosity and an open heart. Remember, in order to receive love, you must give it to yourself first, unconditionally. This means learning to accept that no one, nothing, is perfect. We are each perfectly imperfect and beautiful in our own way. Don’t allow another’s opinion of you define who you are. Those who judge are, in essence, judging themselves, looking for a scapegoat, and usually extremely insecure within themselves.

Aquarius:Its a power day! But before you go full-steam ahead, do realize that the key to achieving what you want lies in wielding your power wisely. It is a favorable day for chasing your goals…make sure you keep it positive; use diplomacy and consider all possible outcomes, and you can’t fail! Lawsuits may go your way at this time, favorable outcomes are possible if you’re involved in a legal battle now.

Pisces:Don’t just sit there! Go chase your rainbow, and do so simply for the chase, not for the pot of gold. The gold would be a bonus, the journey itself would be the true gift! A friend of mine always says, there is something that only you can do that the world needs. Abundance is giving as well as receiving.

over 9 years ago