Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

In 2015 it’s a time to embrace change and make the changes necessary in your life to create the reality you desire to manifest in relationships and finances.

While some people get stuck in future predictions fortunately the future is created right now by your actions. Where are you taking action versus sitting around waiting for your life to change.

The past or the future isn’t where your life is created. It’s right now! “Now” is the only place to be. We want to complain about why our life isn’t where we want it to be. If you’re in the past or the future, this is why you’re life isn’t turning out the way you want it to be.

There’s certain things we have to accept in life whether we want to or not. The world is filled with polarization’s of negative and positive, and light and darkness.

The world is filled with scams, illusions, and deceptions online or offline. The world is dominated by toxic mindsets and negative interaction on a daily basis.

While this isn’t comfortable and hard to accept at times, you do have to learn to clear out the negative vibrations, negative thinking patterns, negative self-talk, and negative relationships from your life.

While that may be painful at times to let go of emotional and mental attachments and re-inventing your life, it is necessary to evolve and raise yourself into a more positive reality.

Whether you’re ready or not, whether you’re learning your life lessons or not, there is someone in your life that is, and this may be part of the problem. While one person may be stuck another is doing everything in there power to be bigger and better in love and finances.

If you’re not getting out of the negative and toxic realities and your friends, lover, family is evolving and raising into a higher awareness and shedding all the negatives and you’re not, this may be why certain relationships and conflicts are appearing in your life. This may be why some are leaving. There done with toxic and negative relationships and realities.

The world is healing and evolving and more and more people are learning to move out of toxic relationships and stop the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical abuse.

While you’re wasting your time and energy worrying about future predictions and negative psychics, you’re missing the point that your lessons need to be learned, applied to your life, and disciplining yourself to co-create your life and relationships to be healthy and loving.

We can do a lot of talk and focusing on the drama, negative messages, and miss the train because we’re not moving forward and taking action to unlearn old thought patterns, manage your emotions, and release negative ones from our life.

While this may seem harsh, it’s reality that you can sit around and complain about how it’s all unfair and hard, but the fact is, the world is unfair and hard.

The things you should be learning are to be mentally tough, emotionally tough, and learning new ways to manage your emotions and feelings.

How are you spending your time? Are you doing what everyone else is doing? Successful people are always doing something to improve their life. Hanging out with groups with higher frequencies, learning appropriate boundaries, appropriate healthy ways to communicate.

Whether it’s relationships or finances the only way you will succeed in 2015 and in the future is if you re-invent your life and start creating it now, by improving your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

If you choose not too, the fact of life is you get left behind and make it harder on yourself. Allow yourself to let go of the past wounds and relationships and embrace a happier future.

Let go of having to react in negativity and learn to respond with calmness. Learn to let go of violent communication and embrace non-violent ways of communication.

The confusion is created in this world and it’s everywhere and this is the lesson: Learn to see through the illusions, deceptions, and lies.

This is all about psychic awareness and your journey. And naturally if you’re doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results, you need to make adjustments in your strategy to succeed in life.

No one is going to do it for you. We’ve all learned this, so when you’re resistant to the reality you are the creator of your own reality, that may be difficult to grasp, but you have no control over what others try to co-create with you. You only have control over you. Stop worrying about everyone else, and pay attention to what you need to do to get in a higher place in love and finances.

over 9 years ago