Sophea (rravenmoon)

Aries: Let go of something old in preparation for new opportunities. Keep your ears tuned to alternative business proposals. Brainstorm with peers, explore teamwork. Spend time with someone you love; take care of unfinished business. Don’t let your responsibilities weigh you down and stay away from anything that goes against your grain.

Taurus: This year heralds good luck with new business endeavors and acknowledgement for a job well done. This is a great time to apply for new work or seek a promotion. Enjoy – and demand – life’s pleasures. Be a willing listener. Knowing what people need gives you an advantage. Help is on the way, even though you have the self-confidence to succeed on your own. Re-examine your goals and define exactly what it is that you want to achieve.

Gemini: Look at both sides of every situation and surround yourself with those who truly love you. Refuse to get shaken when others try to undermine your confidence in your strengths and abilities. Rewards and paybacks are just around the corner. Don’t give up anything for anyone.

Cancer: Plan carefully for whatever you hope to achieve right now. Don’t assume everything will work out just as expected, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.Things are not what they seem. Keep your emotions in check. Beware of deception and illusion. Reinforce your beliefs with facts and demand the same of others. Take care of unfinished business.

Leo: You’ve been questioning whether you’ll ever have enough money to get the things you want and need. You rarely feel discouraged, but lately you lack confidence in the future. Success is around the corner, but first you must learn to budget time and money better. Trust your intuition more than your reason; act more on feelings than on facts. Take your time to think about your options. Tackle difficulties with enthusiasm – these are opportunities to learn.

Virgo: Don’t get upset if things aren’t going as you hoped. Be open to alternatives and prepare for a change of plans. Think before reacting, beware of childish behavior. Everyone – including you – wants to have things his or her way now. Sit it out, bide your time.

Libra: Now is the time to be independent. Friends and co-workers may not understand your feelings. Don’t let emotions overpower you and don’t judge others too harshly. Patience wins in the end. Believe in yourself – don’t be afraid to take the lead. Dealings with authority figures go well. Answers arrive when you talk things out with friends and lovers. Write letters, make calls, send faxes. Punctuality counts.

Scorpio: Manage your money with firm ethics. Respect those in power but do not accept intimidation. Your ideas are rich but still need development.Have you been jumping the gun lately? Patience and hard work bring success. Try to listen to others and postpone decisions until you’re informed. You hate to be broke, but don’t over-burden yourself to make ends meet.

Sagitarrius: To soothe disagreements, look for a conservative middle-of-the-road position. The opposition lessens when you realize that people can change. The greatest obstacle to your success is impatience. Things are unclear for you now. Don’t let yourself be intimidated and don’t judge others too harshly. Others seem uptight, set in their ways. Are you? Don’t let past issues, cloud today’s progress.

Capricorn: Go easy on yourself ad acept what the day brings. Control your temper; don’t take criticism personally. Try not to feel pressured by deadlines .You want what’s best for your loved ones and co-workers, and you have the strength to provide it. But you have lots to learn. If you lack information, have the determination to find it!

Aquarius:You misinterpret another’s intentions. This could be a time of regret or separation, so keep your chin up and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t let nervousness or worry cloud clear thinking and action. You’re an understanding listener and you know just what to say to please others. But don’t get so close to associates that you have a hard time thinking for yourself. Rely on your own ability to solve problems.

Pisces: Break an unnecessary habit. Take steps to eliminate unhealthy ruts and routines. Have some of your ‘friends’ been driving you crazy? Now is a good time to get them out of your life. Don’t let yourself get stuck in the expectations of others. Self-sacrifice is likely to be asked of you. Beware of quarrels; use caution in negotiating affairs of the heart. Attention spans are running short, so don’t take anything too personally. Count your blessings and try to be content with what you have.

over 9 years ago

Kimmi Lena (mystic...kimmi)

Thank you for posting Sophea..And have a wonderful New year xoxo

over 9 years ago

Sophea (rravenmoon)

You are welcome and you too dear.

over 9 years ago