Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Empathy is what we seek, we must also have empathy for others. Compassion is what we seek, we must also find a way to have compassion for others. We believe we’re the only ones experiencing pain and suffering in the world, but many are experiencing pain. Emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain is something we all face in our experience.

We are not so different in our human nature or spiritual nature. We seek to be loved and nurtured. We want others to change and accommodate our feelings and emotions, and yet we are unwilling to always do the same. We can become stubborn and resistant to the changes we must face.

Every season changes in our lives and the four seasons, winter, spring, summer, and fall bring change to our lives. We can be very unsatisfied with our lives, and even be tired of the long journey. We look outward for answers, but the answers are found inside. We can never be at peace with others until we have become at peace with ourselves.

We fail to silence the negative thoughts that can become destructive feedback in our interaction with ourselves and others. We may focus on the negatives more than the positive. Change is something we have to accept in our lives. We are forever growing, developing, and changing. Our world is evolving, changing, and upgrading every year.

We want to resist the changes we must face. We want things to stay the same, stable, and we want to feel secure.

We end up facing a storm and having to learn to center ourselves and stay strong. When the sand is shifting beneath our feet, and we lose what we hold valuable to our hearts, we have to understand that life is teaching us that our self-worth is not based on materialism or money, it is not based on the acceptance or approval of others.

Everything in the world will change and nothing will remain the same. People will walk in and out of our lives. Money will come and go at different times of our lives. What do we gain from watching the seasons of life? In the winter we learn that the trees, flowers, and plants usually lose their leaves, fruit, and beauty.

Winter is frozen and bitter. Winter is death. Spring will bring a renewal, or rebirth. Summer will grow the harvest and bring back the beauty. Fall gives us the harvest of fruit and vegetables. Fall also prepares for death, silences the beauty, and everything falls asleep for winter to arrive.

There is a circle of life we can never ignore. Birth and death are necessary for our evolution. Every year we are reborn and die to the old self. We are constantly changing and becoming more over time.

We may be resistant to change, but we must face it with courage and bravery. We may want to run from it, avoid it, and deny its arrival. Whether we want to or not, change will appear and ask us to step out of our comfort zone.

In relationships, we will change, our partners will change, and we will evolve. We will never stay the same two people. We are always moving forward in life in a sense. The world can change, people can change, and we can change.

Our perception of change can be a peaceful one or a painful one. Have we really failed when change comes? Change is a sign that something isn’t working anymore, perhaps there are adjustments needed to be made. Do we expect others to change?

Are we unaware of the changes we must make to avoid causing others pain and suffering? We may want others to change to meet our agenda, motivations, intentions, and our dreams. This may not be in their highest good to become the person we desire them to become. We may be unaware of what is best for us or them?

Change is a difficult process for some. We are scared of the outcome. We fear we will lose something or someone. Change sometimes brings us to our knees. We may lose everything to strip away old belief systems, negative mindsets, and we may find ourselves transforming into someone new from the experience. The old self must die to be reborn.

We may not see until further down the line that pain and suffering was a blessing in disguise. Without the death we could never become a beautiful divine creature. Without change we can never become renewed. Without the loss we would never know compassion or empathy for another human being. Without experiencing the hatred of others, we would never know how to love.

over 9 years ago