Dr Sunny Marie (drsunnymarie)

No matter how challenged you were in 2014, It is a New YEAR coming in! This users in opportunity, Change,new attitude, and renewed, refreshing Blessings. This is a year,you will see the seeds of your desires that have been planted in 2014, take root, and manifest, in the physical,emotional,and spiritual levels! I have been teaching, and mentoring Universal laws for 37 yrs! There is no doubt ,what you put your thoughts, visions, and emotions into YOU will manifest it, good or bad ,right or wrong! This is an unchanging fixed law, as are all the universal laws!Remember;The universe supports the reality of your beliefs absolutely. When you believe you must struggle for abundance,then it will bring about situations that are conducive to struggle; when you believe you cannot experience love without pain, the universe will give you exactly that – love with pain; when you believe it takes time for an illness to heal – then so it will. There is not a single force opposing you, there is only ONE force supporting you absolutely. It is called LOVE, the force that birthed you, that created you in its own image. This love is so magnanimous it will give you exactly and absolutely whatever it is that your reality entails. In the Bible,It is stated”As you think, so shell you become!”These laws are Gods Laws NOT Mans laws, make no mistake …there is a difference! My “SOUL reason for being here is “YOU!” I am here to make a difference in your life, your Heart, Soul, and Spirit! And, I Will!Make no mistake… I look forward to assisting you with confidence, and positive change enter into the New Year!God Bless.First 3 mins are free! When you purchase 10 mins/Receive 10 free mins!! Time for you, give yourself a Gift, for the new Year!

Warm Regards Dr Sunny

over 9 years ago