Victoria Alvarado (geminivo)

Archangels and their healing properties

Archangel Michael- serves in the First Ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and Power. He oversees lightworkers and helps them reach their full potential by releasing any fear and negative energies. He is associated with the throat chakra. Invoke archangel michael if you are feeling afraid ask him to place his dark blue cloak of protection around your shoulders and to stand by your side in challenging situations he will protect you and will make you feel safe and bring courage. Michael can also assist in cleansing negative energy from a person, place, or situation. Archangel Michael can be called upon to cut unnecessary or unwanted ties, cords and links with people and situation that no longer serve you, he will cut any cords with his blue flaming sword.

Archangel Metatron- angel of presence, metatron is the keeper of the Akashic and Karmic Records and he holds the keys to understanding sacred geometry. He can help you open to spiritual awareness and understanding. Metatron records every event that occurs and maintains the Akashic and Karmic records of both individual and whole planets. he also holds the divine blue print of creation. Metatron is a associated with the crown chakra and the color violet

Archangel Chamuel- angel of unconditional love, Chamuel helps you find and locate a new love relationship,new friends, new job, and lost items. Call upon Chamuel if you need help in repairing any misunderstandings in any personal or work relationships. He can also help in situations where forgiveness is required, helping to remove anger, hatred and resentment from our hearts, and replacing it wih love, harmony and compassion. He helps to open up the heart on an individual and cosmic level. Chamuel works with the Third Ray (pink ray of light). he is associated with the heart chakra.

Archangel Gabriel- Angel of communication, known as the messenger of god, and angel of fertility. He is the messenger that appeared to mother mary and announced the birth of Jesus. For this reason he is also often associated with pregnancy and the birth process. Call upon gabriel to assist with any kind of communication he can help you get messages out to the world. he can help you find your true path in life or direct you towards your next steps in life. His works with the Fourth ray (white ray of light) and is associated with the base and sacral chakras.

Archangel Raphael- Angel of healing, harmony, and abundance. Raphael works closely with those in healing professions. He can be invoked to bring healing into any situation. Ask him to place his emerald green cloak around someone for their highest good. Raphael can also help you bring forth the qualities of truth and visions. Raphael serves on the Fifth Ray (Green Ray of light which is the ray of healing). Raphael is associated with the heart and brow (third eye) chakra.

Archangel Sandalphon- his name means co- brother. Sandalphon is the twin brother of metatron and they both carry our prayers to god. Sandalphon is responsible for bringing the original blue print of humanity and all beings in the physical world into existence and acts as a guide to steer you into the right direction. Sandalphon also assists archangel michael to clear away fear and the effects of fear (through music) put on some music and ask him to clear away any spiritual confusion.

Archangel Uriel- his name means Fire of God, Uriel sheds light on all darkness and brings peace and wisdom. Uriel works with the solar plexus chakra, where we feel our emotions. Invoke Uriel to help you soothe fears, bring peace into our lives. Uriel serves on the Sixth Ray (golden Ray of peace)

over 9 years ago