Kay's Kindness (kayskindnessadviser)

Aries ♈ You may find that some chemistry pops an added zing to things this week, Aries. Give in to it and just allow it to run wild through you. You are never one to shrink away from good things- so don’t let the intensity of this get you spooked. Go with what you’re feeling and you’ll see things open up in some surprising ways.

Taurus ♉ For those bulls in relationships, it’s going to be absolutely critical that you express your deepest feelings without fear, now. Single Taurus would also do well to be more open and if you are crushing on someone- consider making the first move. Initiative isn’t always easy for Taurus, but this week it’s going to be an essential part of getting what you want. Don’t be shy, speak up!

Gemini ♊ If you’ve been feeling a bit like you’ve settled- you might be right, Gemini. Then again, this may be an issue of mixed messages. One of the things highlighted this week for you is a greater need to be a little more clear with your wants and needs. If you find yourself lacking- speak up and stop hinting.

Cancer ♋ In spite of past experience, the present is actually a great deal better than you may think. Though you have a tendency to doubt, throwing yourself into situations in the near future is not going to result in any pain. Live in the moment and enjoy yourself this week, and you will see great results.

Leo ♌ There’s nothing better than some ego strokes and positive attention- and you should be seeing quite a lot of that this week. You have been trying very hard to make things happen, and it shows. Single lions are going to find themselves enjoying a lot of attention, whereas couples will grow closer this week.

Virgo ♍ People aren’t as dense as they might come across this week, Virgo. Opening up more and more will help you to get all your points across, and in the process, either grow closer or see ties unravel. Now is a pivotal time in your relationships, whether they be new or well established. When you open up, whatever happens is meant to. Trust your instinct.

Libra ♎ Tension may be coloring the way you see things this week, Libra. It’s not really as bad as it may seem- so, don’t allow little annoyances that have piled up to make you take it out on someone you care about. You may just find working it through brings an added closeness to everything, rather than pushing things apart.

Scorpio ♏ You may be feeling some pretty intense feeling this week, Scorpio. In some cases, this needs to be expressed and let out, in others, not so much. Use your powers of discernment to understand who needs to hear what you have to say, and who is better served just being let go. Some things are worth fighting for, sure- but other things just need to be let go of.

Sagittarius ♐ You may find things really opening up this week, Sagittarius. Enjoy this closeness and attention, respond in kind. Those who are opening up or giving you that attention will not continue to do so without some positive reinforcement, so open up a positive feedback loop and reap the benefit. You may just be surprised at what shakes out.

Capricorn ♑ Coupled Caps may be feeling just a bit irate at the laziness of their partners. Opening up and really outlining what’s going on and why can help. Single goats might just be asking themselves “Was.. that flirting?” and the answer would be a resounding yes. Positive attention is going to end this week on a high note.

Aquarius ♒ Whew! Is it getting hot in here, Aquarius? The chemistry is on high alert this week as your interactions with others leave you feeling just a bit confused and disoriented in all the best ways. Go ahead and allow yourself to be a little punchdrunk on love- and give in to your wild side.

Pisces ♓ You may take some things said the wrong way this week, Pisces, and as it turns out: in this case, it’s better than you imagine. Your deep sensitivity sometimes misses the mark when it comes to gaging intent- don’t think the worst when the best is just having a hard time expressing itself more fully.

over 9 years ago