Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Help Me! Is something we learn from childhood. We were taught to ask for help if we needed help. As a child we needed help with many things because we were young, naive, and unaware of things in our surroundings socially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

At the age of of 18 we are considered adults. We should have a good sense of awareness physically and mentally. Where we get in trouble is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually we may not be aware depending who our parents were, where we lived growing up, and what our situation may have been.

We may not be developed in one or more areas and may be developed in all of them depending on who we are in this moment of time.

Help Me! Most of the time means I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know how to problem solve. It also can mean, I’m not a critical thinker and expect someone else to solve my problems.

Why would it be that most people in our lives refuse to help us? The answer is to be self-reliant and to become a problem solver.

Why do most people spend years going to psychics and become addicted? We don’t want to help ourselves and don’t want to take responsibility for our lives.

We want someone else to tell us the answers. We get upset because angel guides and spirit guides might not be giving us time frames and the answers we want to hear.

I learned this early on in my adventures with psychic readings. Angel guides and spirit guides allow you to know what you need to know in this moment to learn what you need to be successful in life in relationships or finances.

Why wouldn’t you be getting an answer? This life is about your soul evolving and growing. While it would be easy to go to a psychic everyday for the rest of your life to solve your problems and create your reality for you, the lesson is to trust yourself and learn to find self worth and self understanding.

This world is a world of help yourself versus help me. It is rough and tough place and this means you have to heal the past and make peace with it. It also means you have to look at your choices in who you hang out with and who you associate with in life. This also means doing your inner development and look inside versus the outside world for validation, approval, and acceptance. This means learning to set emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical boundaries.

It also means you have to get out of the “Help Me” Mindset. “Help Me.” Means if someone helps you, you better follow through with what they ask you do to help yourself.

Example: Reading a book that was recommended, a movie, a audio c.d., meditation, going to a class, getting training for a job, updating your resume, working on communication skills, going to a yoga class, going to a therapist, hanging out with a positive uplifting group.

Helping Yourself means you take the time to invest in you too make your life better. If you’re not do anything or taking action those that help you are seeing you’re not doing your part. There not going to help you anymore if you’re not producing results and taking it seriously.This is when they give up on you, because you’re not open to helping you.

No one in this world can help you, but you. You can hear it all, but if you’re stubborn and allowing your ego to get in the way you’re being your own road block.

If you’re doing things the same way with the same mindset, same attitude, same thought system, with the same actions, and same words, you’re going to get in the same situations, circumstances, and get the same answers.

When you’re asking someone to “Help Me!” What are you expecting them to do for you that you’re not willing to do for yourself?

Think about why you need help? What is it that you need help with? Do you expect someone to perform miracles in your relationship? Do you expect them to perform miracles in your finances? It comes down to what you learn and apply to your life.

Anyone in this world can only give you is guidance. You can take what they offer or leave it, but in the end it’s all up to you what you choose to do and what is for the highest good of everyone involved.

Instead of having the “Help Me Syndrome”, have the “I can help myself syndrome.” It’s easy to blame anyone and everyone else why you’re life isn’t working out for you, but it usually is you’re not taking the initiative to do something about your situation or taking a different perspective or approach.

over 9 years ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)

I really enjoyed this post, thank you.

over 9 years ago