Sophea (rravenmoon)

Aries: Material success is at hand. Solid foundations are being laid for future growth and prosperity. Take a conservative approach, following familiar guidelines and traditions. Family matters. Good fortune.

Taurus: The essence of motherhood, the creation and sustaining of life through love and attention. Riches go hand in hand with a generous spirit. Embrace life with joy and passion and savour all it has to offer.

Gemini: A confident, adventurous, passionate, charismatic, and daring energy is involved in your situation, either as an aspect of yourself or in the form of a person you are interacting with. Examine this energy very carefully.

Cancer: A time of great change is upon you. Do not despair. Though it might feel like disaster, it brings with it the promise and opportunity to build something far better if you are open to accepting this change and using this experience to grow.

Leo: Take the time to look around you and recognize the divine in your partners in life. Let yourself remember the love the led you to these beings in the first place. Be careful, in waiting for that special someone, that you do not forget that everyone you have chosen to share your life with is a special gift and should be celebrated. Do not take anyone for granted.

Virgo: You have allowed fear and anxiety to overtake you. You might be deceived by false ideas or might be lost and wandering aimlessly through life. Recognize your bewilderment, and realize that your fear is based on deception and illusion. Face your fears, explore your dreams and instincts and move on.

Libra: A contest, challenge or competition. Annoyances and hassles that make it difficult to persevere. You will need a great deal of patience and persistence in order to accomplish something in this environment. Take heart, however, for these are not major problems, but a host of petty ones. This time shall pass.

Scorpio: Accept your responsibilities and let benevolence and love be the motivation of right action. Be sure that your choices are in your highest good and support the highest good of all concerned.

Sagittarius: It is time to get out of any rut you may be in by opening up to your more spontaneous side. The card asks you to step away from familiar expectations or patterns and use your gifts to shine and be brighter every day.

Capricorn: Compromise, balance, moderation and cooperation are vital this month. Do what it takes to eliminate stress and clear the body of harmful emotions. If you can’t seem to change a negative attitude, use your will to place your attention on something that gives you joy and peace.

Aquarius:. Practice the law of allowance and don’t resist what is or who people are. Use your calm demeanor to lead people where you want them to go. Speak softly with love and understanding and know your strength is your wisdom and endurance. Remember that a person convinced against his will is not convinced at all. The bottom line is that people want love and the freedom to be themselves.

Pisces: The personal virtues of courage, determination, inner strength and valorin the face of misfortune or challenge is needed at this time. Now is the time to beat off any problems and adversity then stand your ground. Battling will erase doubts and uncertainties and sustained effort will overcome any obstacles being with it eventual reward.

over 9 years ago