Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

We often demand someone to serve us. We demand them to do things the way we believe they should be responding to us.

When we demand someone to act a certain way and produce certain results we are applying pressure and stress on another person to perform accordingly to our standards.

Instead of demanding things be done your way, understand the lesson: accept that others know what they’re doing, are skilled, trained, and have the knowledge and intelligence to act in the way they feel is in their best interest at the time and yours. What is in the highest good of both parties.

When we demand someone to perform and act a certain way we are crossing their emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical boundaries.

We are not allowing them to perform at their best by apply pressure or stress on the situation to get what you want in the situation.

Demand comes with trying to control and manipulate someone to do something you would like them to do.

Let go of trying to control other people, the situation, and trying to steer things in your direction.

The lesson is to let go of trying to control anything in the world. Allow things to happen as they are supposed too in their given time. Allow others to be who they are and not what you believe they should be.

Allow others to do their job and step out of the way. We have a tendency to get in the way our of own progress and allowing others to progress, because we want to demand and be in control.

We’re not in control of anything, but our actions, thoughts, and words. How you ask you will probably get in return the same response. Negative or positive interaction depends on how you present yourself.

No one will help you if you’re demanding and trying to control them in any given situation. Let go of the reigns and allow life to happen naturally.

Allow people to be without expectations you place on them. You are disappointed simply because you don’t want to let go. You want perfection and there is no perfection in this world.

Accept this that everything in life will be imperfect and that is perfection at it’s best. Ask yourself if you are self-serving out of the ego? The ego wants to be in control. Spiritual is allowing and accepting.

over 9 years ago

Starz4Lynn (starz4lynn)

Excellent article Heavenly…Bravo !

over 9 years ago

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Thank you Lynn, appreciate your kind remark.

over 9 years ago

Sophea (rravenmoon)

I really enjoyed this article. Thank you.

over 9 years ago