Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

The destination isn’t really as important as the journey. What is destination? You may have a goal in mind, but the destination changes moment to moment.

It’s like driving on a road trip…..you have detours, accidents, get stopped by the police, maybe hitchhikers, bathroom breaks, eating breaks, and so, there is a million different destinations where you arrive.

Now, you may be one of those drivers grumpy, complaining, yelling, and screaming cause you’re in a hurry to get to your destination, but you still have to have patience, do what is necessary to get their, either handle your emotions and thinking, or be a wreck because you were just plane reckless. You still have to get around obstacles, and other people that you may feel are bad drivers, or going to slow etc.

You can give it your all and 100%, but there are still moments where there are delays for one reason or another. Your car may break down.

We can get stuck daydreaming about the future and be non-productive. We can get stuck in the past and not be productive. We can sit in the present moment and do nothing and be non-productive.

There’s two things in life we can do Think about something for twenty years and be non-productive. We can talk about something for twenty years and be non-productive. All you have is now to act and do. If your focus is anywhere else and you’re over thinking you’re slowing yourself down.

This is what meditation helps me with. Turning off the thoughts and doing. Sure I think while I produce, but just sitting around thinking about life doesn’t create anything.

over 9 years ago