Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Perception is the whole key to how you see things in life. We can perceive gloom and doom or happiness and joy.

We do have a choice. If we focus on all the negatives in the world we do tend to have a negative vibration, feel depressed, lonely, and fall backwards.

If we perceive things from a more positive vibration it’s easier to move through life.

How do you perceive failure? Failure means doom and gloom or it means it was just a failure. I can adjust what isn’t it working in my life.

Such as a car, you take it for repairs. You know there is a broken part. You replace it. You don’t say to the car, “You’ve failed.” “You’re a failure.”

Now when it comes to you or someone you love, you will remind them how they screwed up, failed, and how they’re broken. Is this the truth about them? It is not usually the case. They listen to your message and negative self talk themselves to death about what you believe about them by what you say and how you act.

Instead of looking at how you’re reaction and response have a cause and effect on their reaction and response, you get stuck.

You don’t adjust your behavior or perception of things. It may be your way or the highway. What is broken isn’t always the other person.

It may be the wrong mind set, and belief system. It’s amazing how we have picked up many beliefs along the way, never questioned them, and one of them may be the broken part.

Evaluate what you believe, and adjust your perception.

over 9 years ago