Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

One of the things we have a hard time with in life is taking responsibility for our choices. Whether we want to admit it or not, we make choices in various ways every day.

We choose who to ask for advice, we choose who will be our professor’s, where we work, where we go to school, who we hang out with, and who we surround ourselves with in life.

We create our reality. We create it by our choices. We create what we focus on and what intentions we hold against another person. We make a choice of what motivation or intention we have being on a website or interacting with other people online or offline.

Our motives, intentions, and agenda: is it to bring love (harmlessness) or hate (harmfulness).

We get a particular response and reaction by our own response and reaction towards another human being.

What you put out there with your words and actions you can guarantee you will receive it back.

We can spend most of our life blaming everyone else. We waste a lot of time doing this, but in fact we are the one that speaks life or death to our relationships.

We are the one’s that take responsibility or not for paying our bills on time, interacting and taking interest in others, and learning to make good choices.

We want to be co-dependent versus independent. So it’s always someone else’s fault because we seek answers outside of ourselves and if they’re wrong, it’s all their fault.

When you are independent, you learn to develop spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is your responsibility to learn healthy coping skills.

Responsibility implies having to grow and mature emotionally and mentally. Learn to discipline your emotions and thoughts, and choose a loving path versus a more violent approach with anger.

Take responsibility in the fact that it’s never quite about the other person you’re angry with, but you may have triggers from the past, and those you have not forgiven. In retrospect you are projecting your past on to the present person. Forgive and make peace with the past and let it go.

When you haven’t cleared out the hurt, anger, and pain, you cannot see with clarity. By dwelling on the past event you hold yourself there instead of moving on from it. Let it go.

over 9 years ago