Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)

Good evening! Thank you for stepping into my tarot cyber ‘space’! I am grateful you’ve decided to see what I have to say tonight. ;) I’m going to use this moment to explain a little bit about the service I can provide for you today.

Okay, so sit back and let’s share some soul tea. What is soul tea (you may be asking yourself)? Soul Tea is a term I use when the minds of two people share information and use what is learned as a tool towards living a better life.

When I share soul tea with you, I don’t read for far in the future. I generally look at the very near past, right now and the up-close future. You will likely NEVER hear the words a year from now out of my mouth (unless it’s an example being used) because each decision you make alters your future, if not a little bit, sometimes a LOT. Every moment in life we are faced with choices and each one made has a reaction we live with and experience in one way or another.

Additionally, I don’t even like giving dates to people because I feel it’s much less a matter of timing than it is a matter of action vs reaction. You see, if I tell you in 14 days something can happen, but now you expect it and just sit around waiting, then I’ve altered your life for you.

You must keep living life normally when you get your readings. Good things float by when people think what they want will magically land in their lap without any effort at all. I refuse to be responsible for someone else passing up good opportunities by stating the universe simply has this planned on x day of the month. ;)

Okay, so that’s my main rule. I will always tell you the suggested time, but remember, actions speak louder than words. After all, signs can be seen as evidence the message is true and is much better than my simple words anyway. ;)

Other than that, it’s pretty typical what you can expect from my service. I will not lie; completely honest readings only!!! I am empathetic and have a wide variety of gifts and experiences. I have been proven trustworthy and I have helped others professionally for the last 14 years, but in many different cyber areas. ;)

I look forward to helping you!!! ;)

Many Blessings, Love & Light, Tammy

over 9 years ago