Angel (angeltrinity)

A woman who dates married men is setting herself up for failure. She is showing her vulnerability and appearing to be desperate. Her intent is to feel wanted and desired by a man at any cost. The results of her actions lead to irreparable damage to all parties including herself, the cheating husband and the wife. Mistresses are insecure women who need a man to feel empowered. They think that they are boosting their ego by stealing someone’s husband, when in reality, they are showing their insecurity. They are being disrespectful to themselves as well as the sanctity of marriage. A mistress feels that she can give more to the man than his wife. She doesn’t realize that most men won’t leave their wives for her. The husband has no respect for the mistress or his wife. He will use her for as long as she will let him. In essence, he is cheating on her as well as his wife. Eventually, when the mistress gets tired of being used, she will find a way to tell the wife. If his wife leaves him, he will cheat on the mistress the same way. In the end, her efforts have failed.

over 9 years ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)

Like I responded earlier, I feel this has to do with everyone’s choices involved.

over 9 years ago

psychic advisor ldyfi (ldyfi)

this to pic deals with self esteem and commitment as well everyone has choices and conquences of the choices

over 9 years ago

Kimmi Lena (mystic...kimmi)

There are some cases of two people who meet and are both married …before they even meet both of the marriages are already down the tubes..I met the love of my life (we were both married) and we talked for over two years..He lived 1000 miles away it was very hard on both of make a long story short..I divorced my husband and he his wife..And now we live together (I relocated) And we are going to marry very soon..Every case is different ..I never been so much in love he is my twin ..Just because one is married does not mean they are happy..

over 9 years ago