Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Two things are required in relationships. Unfailing love and unfailing support. Do you give emotional, mental, and spiritual support? We can be there physically, but off in another place with our thoughts.

We can be in the past chasing after something that no longer exists. Ex’s were there to teach you a lesson, but hanging on to the past stops you from succeeding in the now.

Unfailing love requires you to be fully present with your mate. You can’t fail if you take responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and words.

Love brings life not death. Are your words speaking with life or death? Are your actions speaking life or death? If you’re emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically somewhere else with another person besides your mate, you’re failing in love.

Are you in a fear based relationship or a heart based relationship? If you’re acting out of stress, worry, anxiety, and negative thoughts, you’re living a fear based life.

Are you in a heart based relationship that every thought, action, and word displays love? If you are, than you’re confident, believe in your partner, trust your partner, and have faith in your partner.

Love is what it’s about. It comes from your heart not your groin.

over 9 years ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)

so interesting

over 9 years ago