Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Violence is a senseless act. Violence is a choice. Someone I knew was shot and faced death because someone else was experiencing hardship and stole a car. Anger, rage,resentment, bitterness, and the mindset of poverty ends in tragedies like this every day.

As a spiritual teacher what do you say? There is no excuse for violence. If people take responsibility and do their inner work, and personally develop, emotionally develop, and mentally develop, this world would be a much better place.

There is nothing I can do to bring Jake back. Choices were made and it ended with death. Violence is never the answer. Violence does not bring justice. Violence doesn’t make our world better or help humanity.

I know not to even try to make sense out of this, but understand Jake played a part to bring awareness to stop violence in our inner cities.

Hardship comes to all of us. Pain and suffering comes to all of us. It’s a fact of life. Ill-intentions and ill-motivations can only bring harmfulness.

Negative environments breed negative people. Negative mindsets contaminate other minds with horrible consequences.

We all have choice. We all have to take responsibility in our actions and choices. We all have to understand the cause and effect we have on our communities,family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers.

There is no reason to steal or kill because we’re in hardship. Every single person on this earth will go through hardship of some kind at some point in time.

If you don’t like where you live, you have a choice to move. If you don’t like the fact you lack money, you can do something about it and get educated and trained.

You may think welfare is the easy road. It’s probably the toughest road, and there is no excuse for staying in poverty generation after generation. It isn’t everyone else’s fault why you remain in a poverty mindset. You have opportunity and options just like every one else does.

Life gets better as long as you breathe. If your not living life and being productive, it means you believe your a victim, life is to hard, and you can’t do anything. So it’s easier to give up and quit. It’s easier for people to not take responsibility for their life. It’s easier for you to make a hundred excuses why you don’t do something about your circumstances. It’s easier to stay uneducated so you can try to convince someone else that does have an education why you’re still in the same place.

At some point in time you do have to take responsibility. My friends death was just senseless because someone needed a good excuse to claim “Victim”. “My life is hard” Therefore, I have a right to steal and I have a right to kill.” It’s ignorance and stupidity.

It happens every day. Everyone’s life is hard at times. Everyone has pain and suffering time to time. Violence is pathetic. Make a choice to be the change you want to see instead of adding to more violence in the world.

over 9 years ago