Chrisalis (chrisalis)

For an indepth reading please contact Melodie or Chrisalis – Bitwine’s Horoscopes Writers

LEO There’s a lot going on for Leos this month as Jupiter makes its grand entrance (yes Jupiter does everything grandly) on the 16th. This will herald a year for you where you will be under the beneficial influence of this lucky planet and it should see you with an abundance of ideas and possibly not enough time or energy to put all your plans into action just yet. This is not a problem… you have about 12 months of Jupiter’s benefits so enjoy it while it lasts. The moon in Leo on the 27th gives you food for thought in what you would like to do that is new to you or different that takes you in a new and exciting direction. As the last effects of Mercury’s retrograde leave your area of spirituality and Mars enters your area of communication along with the Sun entering your own sign towards the end of the month you can be sure that July will be a month for you to remember. Get rid of the old that is not working for you and welcome in the new.

Moon in Leo July 1, 27, 28, 29

VIRGO The world around you may be feeling a bit topsy turvey for you as July proceeds to unravel. It may be that you have grown so accustomed to being in your own little world with everything in place that you are thrown a bit of balance as Jupiter moves into an area of your chart where you are not having so much control or say in what is going on around you. Infact, you may feel as if you need time alone and/or space to be “quiet” in while you go over in your mind any insights and dreams that are coming to the surface. Take this time while you can because by the 26th Mars will move into your area of communication and you may feel as if you are unindated with things you have to do. Venus’ movements through your area of friends and friendships after the 18th prompts you to reach out to others and accept invitations with the possibility of a new relationship coming your way. The moon in your relationship area just beforehand on the 15th, 16th, 17th would be a good time to get very clear in your mind what you do and don’t want in love.

Moon in Virgo 2, 3, 4, 30, 31

LIBRA You are on the home run for the departure of Mars from your sign. After about 8 long months of this planet disrupting all around you turning retrograde, direct, retrograde, direct you can finally wish this disruptive energy on its way and start getting on with things without the need to be wary of “what can go wrong” hanging over your head. After the 16th you should be in a great mood as Jupiter moves into your area of friends and friendships and heralds the beginning of a year where you may find that your friendships evolve and that new friends enter your life. Whilst the first half of July sees you feeling as if you want to be footloose and fancy free with Venus travelling through your area of fun and adventure the latter part of the month reminds you that life is not all play and no work and whilst you know you need to give yourself a break and be kinder to yourself you may not be 100% committed to this process. Try to slow things down a bit this month… life is on the verge of changing and you don’t want to be putting out thoughts of fighting this change simply because you are stuck in a rut of trying to control what is around you.

Moon in Libra July 4, 5, 6

SCORPIO Many things are changing shape for you in your life this month and the focus may be on you trying to decide how free you wish to be and how much you want to tie yourself down. The first half of the month sees you sitting, planning and going over what you wish to do. There seems to be some grand plan forming in your mind but it won’t be until the latter half of the month when a few planets change signs that your answers become clear. You are looking at the last of Jupiter in your area of freedom and fun for a good 12 years as it leaves this area for you on the 16th and just as it leaves Mercury and Venus arrive in this area for you putting you in fine form for looking for adventures and things to take your mind off what may have been a difficult first half of the year. The culprit for the first half of 2014 was Mars in your area of spirituality but come the 26th Mars will move into your own sign, which it co rules, the energy this gives you will put you in a great position to propel you forward with any plans you wish to make.

Moon in Scorpio July 7, 8, 9

over 9 years ago